1.Language development of children depends on
1)better socio-economic environment
2)better schooling 
3)freedom of expression given to the child 
4)All of the above

2)Assimilation is the other name of 

3)Correct form of education in recent situation is
2)technical education
3)moral and ideal education
4)All of the above

4)Main objective of cardinal in recent situation is
1)we should see the education with the present situation
2)we should emphasize on multiusual syllabus 
3)we should teach that education which is useful in war also.
4)we should teach that education which solve the domestic problems. 

5)Hindi should be taught in school because 
1)Hindi is our national language 
2)Hindi is a wealthy language 
3)Hindi is a language of general people
4)It is a simple and proper medium of education 

6)How does discipline help in education?
1)By it class can be controlled easily 
2)By similarly in behavior can be seen 
3)cultured life is started by following the rules 
4)Internal qualities are developed in a balanced way 

7)Evaluation is helpful for teacher in which of the following way? 
1)It opens new avenues for action researchers 
2)A teacher can categorise his pupil into different groups
3) A teacher can give immediately feedback to his pupils 
4)All of the above 

8)which of the following statements cannot be considered as a feature of the process of learning?
1)Educational institution are the only place where learning takes place.
2)Learning is a comprehensive process
3)Learning is a goal -oriented 
4)unlearning is also learning process

9)which of the following is not a characteristic  of evaluation?
1) It is a comprehensive process covering  all of the three domains of behaviour 
2) It is a systematic process going in the direction of predetermined objectives 
3)It is down at the end of the task
4)It is a purposeful activity fulfilling the requirement of the teachers and taught 

10) Audio-visuals in  classroom can not replace a teacher any how because. 
1) a teacher can achieve all the objectives of three domin by his acts
2) Only an effective teacher can produce a good learning material to communicated by radio, Tv or computer
3)no audio-visual can work in the class as teaching materials without a teacher 
4) All of the above 

11)By which age language develops in children?
1) By birth 
2) By adulthood
3) By childhood
4) By pregnancy period 

12)By which age habits develop in children?
1) By childhood 
2) By birth
3) Ongoing always
4) By pregnancy period 

13)which habit is found more and more in childhood?
1) Studying 
2) Fighting 
3) Mimicring 
4) None of these 

14) What is the meaning of learning?
1) To stand first in class
2) To make learned
3) Change in behaviour by experience 
4)Be active for doing work 

15) Learning is the Process in which 
1)the learned person stops learning
2)learning proceeds lifelong
3)children learn more and more 
3)children learn more and more in teacher's supervision 

16) child development is process off 
1) slow speedy movement 
2) continuous, gradual ongoing process
3) ongoing development in a similar way
4) development in as usual 

17) what is the meaning of child development?
1) Development in the length, breadth and fitness of the children
2) Development of the mental and intellectual ability 
3)Overall development of the child 
4)Development of the child 

18)what is the beast method of 'Study of child behaviour '?
1) Inspection 
2)practical method
3)Interview method 
4) Personal study method 

19)what is the meaning of growth?
1) Change related to result 
2) Change related to measurement 
3) (1) and (2)
4)None of the above 

20) What is meaning of development?
1) Change related to result  
2) Change related to measurement?
3) (1) and (2)
4)None of the above 

21)Which age is called birth period?
1) By birth to 2 years
2) By birth to 5 years
3) By birth to 4 years
4) by birth to 3 years

22)According to Vygotsky which is the most important factor in the 
development of any child?

23)which is not the type of intelligence?
1)Mentel knowledge 
2)Solid knowledge
4)Social knowledge 

24)The intelligence development  of child in the different stage of his age
always be
1) normal
2) abnormal
3) decrease
4) None of these

25)If a child has to propriety with the atmosphere, as a teacher what is your
opinion about the child?
1) Block head
2) Intellectual
3) Having not good knowledge of his atmosphere
4) Simple process

26) The main reason behind the declination in the level of education is
1) carelessness of students
2) incapacitation of teaching
3) pensiveness of guardians
4) All of the above

27) It is necessary to improve the level of education 
1) continuous evaluation of student
2) continuous evaluation of corse-book
3) amendment in curriculum/syllabus
4) availability of good books in the library 

28) which is the best method of learning?
1) conversational method 
2) Project method
3) Demonstration method
4) speech method 

29) Psychological knowledge in necessary in the all reign of life. why?
1) To make life pleased
2) To solve the problem of life
3) To understand the human, behaviour
4) all of the above

30) Critical pedagogy firmly believes that
1) the learner need not reason independently
2) To solve the Problems of life
3) To understand the human, behaviour
4) the teacher should always lead the class room instruction


1) 4
2) 1
3) 4
4) 1
5) 1
6) 4
7) 4
8) 1
9) 3
10) 4
11) 1
12) 2
13) 3
14) 3
15) 2
16) 2
17) 3
18) 4
19) 2
20) 1
21) 4
22) 3
23) 1
24) 1
25) 2
26) 4
27) 3
28) 2
29) 4
30) 3

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