English Practice Exercise - 02

1 Phrasal Verbs:
We asked the boss to put off the meeting until tomorrow. (Please put it off for another day.)
What is the verb?
What does the verb mean?

2.Phrasal Verbs:
We put away money for our retirement. She put away our clean clothes.
What is the verb?
What does the verb mean?

3.Phrasal Verbs:
She knew she was in trouble, so she made up a story about going to the movies with her friends.
What is the verb? 
What does the verb mean?

4.Phrasal Verbs
Fill out this application form and mail it in.
What is the verb? 
What does the verb mean?

5.Telephone conversation.
Good morning, I ________ to speak to Mr. Johnson please.
a. like
b. should
c. can
d. would like

6.Telephone conversation.
Do you know what time he ____ be out of his meeting? 
a. has to
b. will
c, can

7.Telephone conversation.
_______ you like to leave a message?
a. would
c. shall
d. will

8.Telephone conversation.
____ he call you back after 3:00?
a. can
b. should
c. must

9.Present Perfect Tense
How long ______ you _______ each other? (know)

10.Present Perfect Tense
_____ the team ever ______ a game? (win)

1-put off = reschedule, delay 
2-put away = put in a place for use later
3-made up = not true or real
4-Fill out = to complete
5-d. would like
6-B. will
7-A. Would
8-A. Can
9-Have -known

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