Concept and Principles of Growth and Development
Generally Growth and Development are used inter changeable and taken as synonyms terms. After conception in the womb of mother change occur. change is the law of nature. A fertilized egg develops as a fetus. Cycle of charge brought about by the process of growth and development takes place in various dimensions physical, mental, social and so on. Both the terms, growth and Development can be used for any change brought about in maturation and learning.
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Development of the child is a series of orderly Progression of charge to words Maturity. Orderly means the arrangement of change. Each charge at each stage is dependent upon what preceded it affects what will come later. Development does not take place haphazardly. The term Progressive signifies that changes lead forward and that the direction is towards adaptation which is conducive to survival of the individual.
Growth is generally taken as dimensional augmentation, cellar, multiplication or qualitative change in size, weight and number.
The aim of education is to bring about an all-round development in an individual. It is, therefore, imperative that the teachers should be acquainted with the meaning and Characteristics of growth and development. Usually two terms are used interchangeably.
According to L.D. Crow & Crow (1962), growth refers to Structural and physiological changes and development is concerned with growth as well as those changes in behaviors which result from environmental situations.
Growth takes place when a child grows taller, his bones, muscles and other parts of the body increase in size. Maturation is the unfolding of the characteristics with which the individual is endowed. As the child grows, his mind and body mature and the is able to function at a higher level.
Development involves a Series of progressive, orderly and meaningful changes leading to the goals of maturity is attained.
A child or adult may grow very fast, very fat and heavy, but such growth Can hardly be considered development in the sense of advancement to a higher level of maturity.
Actually a person has developed if he is physically healthier or has more sensors motors Skills so that his physical conditions is conducive to greater personal effectiveness. Thus by improving his sensorimotor skills and thereby utilising better the capacities he has received from about two decades of growth, a person can develop even after physical growth stops. Physical growth is quantitative in nature and is usually measured in inches and pounds or their equivalents.
Development has four basic elements:
1. Growth
2. Maturation
3. Experiences
4. Social transmission (learning through language, Schooling or training by parents)
their development and learning.
Development, growth and maturation are terms which are commonly used to convey the same meaning but there is a significant between all these words.
1. Quantitative Concept
2. Change in the quantitative aspect come into the domain of growth
3.The term growth is used in purely physical sense referring to an increase in size, length , height and weight.
4. Growth is one of the parts of developmental process.
5. Growth described the charge which take places in, particular aspects of the body and behaviours of the organism.
6. Growth does not continue through out life.
7. The change produced by growth are the Subject of measurement.
8. They may be quantified and are observable in nature.
9. Growth may or may not bring development, A child may grow by becoming fat but
this growth many not bring any functional improvement or development.
1.Quantitative Concept
2.It indicates the charges in the quality or character rather than in quantitative aspects.
3.Development implies overall Change in shake, form or structure resulting in an improved working or function.
4. Development is a wider, and comprehensive term. It refers
to overall changes in the individual .
5. Development describes the change in
the organism as a whole.
6. Development is a continuous process. It goes from womb to tomb. It does not end with the attainment of maturity.
7. Development, as said earlier implies
improvement in functioning and behaviour.
8. They may be qualitative charge which are difficult to measured directly. They are
assessed through Keen observation
in behavioural situations.
9. Development is also possible without growth as in the cases of some children who do not gain in terms of height weight or size but they do experience functional
improvement or development in physical, social emotional or intellectual aspects.
The change brought about in an individual by the process of growth and development
tend to follow some well defined principles. These are known as principle of growth and development. These principle are being described below :
(a) Principle of continuity
Development follows continuity. It goes from womb to tomb and never ceases. An individual starting his life from a tiny cell development his body, mind and other aspects of his personality through a continuous stream of development in these various dimensions.
(b) Rate of growth and Development is not Uniform
Although development follows continuity yet the rate of growth and development is not steady and uniform at all time. It proceeds more rapidly in the early years of life but shows down in the later year of childhood. Again at the onset of puberty, there is sudden rise in the speed of growth and development but it is not maintained for long. Therefore, at no stage the rate of growth and development show steadiness. It rather take place but fits and starts.
(d) Uniformity of Pattern
Although development does not proceed at a uniform rate and show marked individual difference, yet it follows a definite sequence of pattern and is somewhat uniform in the off springs of a species. For example, the motor development and language development in all children seem to follows a definite sequence.
(e) Development Proceeds from General to Specific Response
In all Phase of a child’s development, general activity precedes specific activity. His responses are of a general sort before they become of so specific response as reaching similarly, when a newborn infant cries, the whole of the body is involved.With growth, the crying is limited to the vocal cords, eyes etc. In language development the child learns general word before specific.
(f) Principle of Integration
while it is true that development proceeds from general to specific or from whole to parts, it is also seen that specific response or part movement are combined in the later process of learning or development. It is the integration of whole and its part as well as of the specific and general responses that makes a child develop satisfactory in the various dimension of his growth and development.
(g) Principle of Inter-relation
The growth and development takes place in various dimensions like physical, mental, social etc. and these are interrelated and interdependent. Growth and development in any one dimension affects the growth and development of the child in other dimensions as well e.g children with above average intelligence are generally found to possess above average physical and social development. The lack of growth is one dimensions. If a child having poor physical development then it also tend to regress in emotional, social and intellectual development.
(h) Development is Predictable
With the help of the rate of growth and development of a child it is possible for us to predict the range in with his development is going to fall e.g. X-ray of the bones of the wrist of child will tell approximately what his ultimate size will be similarly the knowledge of the present mental ability of a child will help is predicting his ultimate mental development.
(i) Principle of Developmental Direction
Kuppu Swamy has thrown light thrown light on this principle and he points out two specific facts out two specific facts concerning the direction of development. He say that development is “ cephalic-caudal as well as proximodistal”
As per the principle of cephalic-caudal development, the development, the development proceeds in the direction of the longitudinal axis, first the child gain control over his head and arms and then on his leg on that he can stand.
According to the proximodistal tendency of the development, it proceeds from the center to the periphery. In the beginning child exhibits its control over the large fundamental muscles but afterward due to growth and development of smaller muscles he can exhibit more movements that are refined e.g. Central over the arm and the hand.
(j) Development is Spiral and not Linear
The child does not proceed straightly on the path or development with a constant or steady pace. Actually he makes advancement during a particular period but take rest in the following period to consolidate his development. In advancing further, therefore, he turn back and then moves forward again like a spiral.
(k) Growth and Development is a Joint Product Heredity and Environment
Child at any stage of his growth and development is a joint product of heredity and environment. The forces of heredity and environment directly or indirectly influence his growth and development in any dimension at all times.
(i) Principle of Uneven Tempo of Growth and Development
Growth and development is continuous yet rate of development is not uniform. At earlier stages it is quick and slows down in later year of infancy and at the stage of puberty there is sudden rise in growth and development.
(m) Principal of Unique Development
All children will first sit up crawl and stand before they walk. But the individual children will vary in regard to time or age at which they can perform these activities.
(n) Principle of Interaction of Maturation and Learning
Growth and development happen as a result of both maturation and learning, maturation refers to changes in a developing organism due to the unfolding and ripening of abilities, characteristics, traits and potentialities present at birth, learning denotes the changes in behavior due to training and/or experience, Maturation and learning interact.
Thus, each child is a changing, growth and developing organisms.
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Very Good & much Great. You are successful because you share all the Knowledge you know with others.
Wow! Excellent..
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ReplyDeleteThis overview clearly distinguishes between growth and development, highlighting their interrelated principles and the importance of understanding these processes for fostering all-round individual development. The outlined principles offer valuable insights into how heredity, environment, and experiences shape a child's growth.
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