Indian Economy

Define - Economic planning is the method of allocating resource [physical and human ] among different uses in order of preferences and the detailed scheme Prepared for that is called as the economic plan.

Power By-

Question - When Indian economic planning Started ?
Ans- 1 April 1951 ( when the first five year plan was launched )

First plan was- Basic & Central objective planning : - To abolish poverty and raise the standard of living of masses of highest possible level.

Question - Who wrote the book " Planned Economy of India"  in 1934
Ans - Dr.M Vishveshwarya

Question - When was the National Planning Committee set up  ? under  who ...
Ans-  The Indian National Congress set up  in 1938  under the chairman or Presidentship of Jawaharlal Nehru.

Question - Who prepared People Plan in april 1945.
Ans- shri M N Roy

Question - Gandhian plan was prepared by who in 1944 ?
Ans- Shriman Narayan.

Question - Who prepared Sarvodaya plan in January 1950 ?
Ans - Shri Jaiprakash Narayan

Question - Planning Commission was a non- statutory but an advisory body, which was constituted  by the Cabinet on ___________ ?
Ans - 15th March 1950.

Question - National Development Council (NDC) is also-statutory body constituted on_______?
Ans- 6th August 1952.

Five Year Plan in India 

1st plane 1951-1956 [ In the first plane, agriculture was given the highests priority. In this plan, the achievements whethe more than its target.

2nd plane 1956-1961 [2nd plan was based on the model prepared by prof PC Mahalanobis. In this plan, the highest priority was given to the industrial sector.

III rd Annual plane 1961-66 to 1966-69 [ Plane holiday The period of three annual plans (1966-69) between the 3rd and 4th Plan is called plan holiday

IVth plane 1969-1974 [The main objectives of the 4th plan where growth with stability and progress towards self-reliance. Gadgil Formula was made in the 4th Plan for distribution of plan assistance between centre and the states.

Vth plane 1974-1978

VI th plane 1980-85 The 6th Plan initially introduced for the period of 1973-83 by the Janta Government was called Rolling Plan. Later the congress Government after coming back to power in 1980 implemented the modified 6th plane (1980-85). Many poverty alleviation and employment generation programme was launched in this plan.

VII - Seventh Annual plans 1985-90 to 1990-92

VIII Eight 1992-97  In this plan human development various aspect was the basic objective of 8th plan. In this plan, "Mukherjee Committee " was constituted for amending " Gadgil Formula ", which was called " Mukherjee Formula'.

IX Ninth plan - 1997 - 2002 The main objective of 9th Plan was (Growth with Equity and Distributive Justice' .

X Tenth plan - 2002 - 2007 The 10th plan eaid emphasis on ensuring equity and Social justice. 

Question-  When was Reserve Bank of India (RBI)  nationalized ?
Ans - January 1, 1949.

Question- who issued one rupee note ? 
Ans- Ministry of Finance. 

Question- State Bank of India (SBI)  was established in _______ ?
Ans- 1955

Question- National Stock Exchange (NSE) was established at mumbai in ______?
Ans- 1992 (on recommendation of pherwani Conneittee IDBl is ils main promoter.

Question - Who among the folowing first made economic planning for India?
a) MN Roy
b) Dadabhai Naoroji
C) M Vishveshwary
D Jawaharlal Nehru 
Ans - M Vishveshwary 

Question - Planned Economy of India Was Whitlen by
a) M Vishveshwarya 
b) Dadabhai Naoroji 
c) Shriman Narayan 
d) Jawaharlal Nehru 
Ans- M Vishves.trialists 

Question- Bombay Plan was prepared by 
a) MN Roy
b) Eight Industrialists
C) shriman Narayan
d) Non of the above
Ans-  Eight Industrialists 

Question- People's plan was prepared by
a) Shriman Narayan
d) Jai prakash Narayan
C) M N Roy
D) All of the above 
Ans- M N Roy 

Question- sarvodaya Plan was prepared by 
a) Jai Prakash Narayan 
b) Mahatma Gandhi 
c) Binoba Bhave 
d) Jawaharlal Nehru
C) Subhash Chandra Bose
d)Shriman Narayan 


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