Central Teacher Eligibility Test ( CTET )
INTRODUCTION - Throughout the world, teaching is looking at as one of the most respected and noble jobs a person can have and a good teacher not only show the right path that the student should follow but also prepares the human resource for the further development of the nation.
The teaching profession has attracted quite a good number of young people in the recent year as the number of private and government educational institutes are increasing at a very high pace in India and the world.

Submission of online application - 30.07.2015 to 19.08.2015
Last date of online submission application 19-08-2015
Last date of payment of fees Through E-challan or Debit/credit card by the candidate - 21.08.2015 to 25.8.2015
Download Admit Card from CTET website- 04.09.2015
There are various exams for the appointment of the teachers. Recently the as per the norms of the Right of children to free and compulsory Education ( RTE) Act, 2009 The Ministry of the Human Resource Development, Govt.of India has entrusted the responsibility of conducting the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) to the Central Board of Secondary Education Delhi.
Now it become compulsory for a person who aspires to a teacher at elementary level ( I to VIII class ) to qualify the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET)
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