What is remedial teaching?

Remedial Teaching

The term remedial teaching as the name suggests stands for the teaching or instructional work carried out to provide remedial measures for helping the student (or individual student) in getting rid of their common or specific weaknesses some other measures carried out for such diagnosis.

Diagnosis thus provides a solid base for hypothesising the general and specific causes underlying the weakness or learning difficulties of the student). It is thus true that as the diagnosis so is the remedy for the removal of the difficulty.

Thus, depending upon the general or specific nature of the weaknesses or learning difficulties of the students, we have to take appropriate steps for the organisation of remedial teaching for the needy students.

Organisation of Remedial Teaching in physical sciences

remedial teaching for slow learners
Remedial teaching in the subject physical science can take various forms like below
remedial teaching in mathematics
* Class Teaching
* Group Tutorial Teaching
* Individual Tutorial Teaching
* Supervised Tutorial Teaching
* Auto- instructional Teaching
* Informal Teaching
remedial teaching method
Let us discuss now all these forms and aspects of remedial teaching.
Diagnostic testing and remedial teaching
Class Teaching -  

In this system or schedule  of remedial teaching, the usual Composition and structure of the class is not disturbed. The teacher here teaches a particular lesson/Unit, emphasises.a point again and again, emphasises a point again and again, repeats the experiments or use some specific teaching aid in order to remove the difficulties and deficiencies of the learners in terms of class as a whole is  benefited through such type of remedial  teaching. It is proved user me in the removal of the weakness and learning difficulties of the general nature.

remedial teaching in mathematics
Group Tutorial Teaching

Here, the student of the class all divided into some homogeneous group called tutorial group on the basis of their common learning difficulties and identical weaknesses or  deficiencies in the acquisition of the learning experiences in  Some or the other areas or aspects of the subject . These groups are then taught separately by the same teacher or different teachers according to the nature of the difficulties and deficiencies. The tutor in- charge of a tutorial group , then trials to solve the difficulties of the learners, however, collectively on a group basis, The Weak area or   aspects of the curriculum identified through diagnostic testing are properly attended by the teacher according to the needs and requirements of the pupils of the group.
what is remedial teaching
In case, it is related to particular work, due Care and proper attention is now paid by the teacher over his own demonstration work as well as on the practical and project work done by the students in their respective groups.
methods of teaching
The group tutorial teaching proves advantages over the class teacher in many aspects. Here, the students who have common problems and difficulties in their learning are more helped in overcoming their difficulties and deficiencies
definition of remedial teaching
It makes the task of teaching- learning quite interested and goal oriented in class teaching there remains a lot of chances that the time and energy of many of the students who do not suffer with a certain learning deficiency or difficulty will go in vain by attending to the remedial teaching not at all needed by them. Moreover, the number of students in groat tutorial teaching is comparatively reduced. It results in making the task of the teaching more convenient and effective for providing better coaching and practice in terms of the needed remedial education.
importance of remedial teaching 

Individual Tutorial Teaching

In this schedule, every learner who feels learning difficulty of one or the other nature is attended individually for overcoming his deficiencies or  weaknesses. It is one to one coaching, help and guidance that is  rendered by teaching to learner and when needed by him in order to actualise his potentialities to the maximum
teaching methods
Therefore, in this type of remedial teaching, maximum consideration may be provided to the principle of individual difference in the direction of the best result in the task of teaching  and learning. Here, the students may progress according to their own pace, abilities and Capabilities and  get adequate help individual attention and reinforcement for Coping with their deficiencies and difficulties on path of learning.
what is the importance of remedial teaching 
Supervised Tutorial Teaching
what is remedial teaching in education 
In this schedule of remedial teaching, the responsibility of overcoming the learning difficulties and removing deficiencies in Some learning areas is headed  over to the learners themselves. They have to work at their own for removing their difficulties and deficiencies. The role of the teacher is confined to observe and Supervise the learning activities and to provide as much help as necessary to carry on them on their path of self-learning and self Correction. This type of supervision Can be made on the individual as well as for torial group levels. The students may opt to work in the group individually for solving their difficulties and overcoming their learning deficiencies.
what is the meaning of remedial teaching 
Auto-Instructional Teaching
concept of remedial teaching
This type of remedial teaching consists of auto-instructional programmes and activities. Here, the  learner is provided with basic auto-instructional and self-learning material and equipments like programmed learning text books and Package, auto - learning modules, teaching machines and Computer-assisted Programmed instructions etc. This material helps the pupil to gain sufficient practice and drill work in the areas of his weakness and acquire necessary Confidence in overcoming his difficulties and deficiencies through the well programmed self-instructional material.

Informal Teaching
innovative teaching method
Informal Science education and teaching suitable planned and assimilated with the formal Science education of the school may go in a big way to act as a source and means of remedial education to the needy students.The activities Connected with such informal education in the form of excursions or  trips, collecting material for the science museum, improving Science apparatus, working on useful scientific projects, engaging in the scientific hobbies, establishing aquarium, vivarium, terrarium, botanical garden, zoo and nature study Corner in the school campus and participating in the science Club activities, ete. Make the study of the students and provide unique and special opportunities to learn and practise the facts and principles of science. The learning difficulties arrised out of the lack of  interest, non- availability of direct and first-hand learning experiences, deficiencies in the methodology of teaching, psychological needs and problems of the learners and host do other reasons may be easily overcome through the organisation of useful non-formal activities of sciences or scientific interest in the schools.

READ ALSO : Diagnostic-and-remedial-teaching

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